Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE WinShade Installation; WinShade Installation; WinShade Installation; WinShade Installation BlueCarpeta WinShadea WinShade.exe Unable to access the registry. Error Number:$ Exiting WinShade installation.* Do you want to add a shortcut to WinShade in the Start Menu?A WinShadea Folder Selection9 WinShadeR WinShadeA WinShade% PROGRAM PROGRAM\WinShade.exe General Copying program files... Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory. Exiting WinShade Installation.* Before WinShade can be installed you will need to restart your a< system. WinShade has been removed from the StartUp folder, $ and once you restart your system you can run the WinShade $ installation program again. Before WinShade can be installed you will need to restart your a? system. If WinShade is in the StartUp folder, you must remove $ it before restarting. Once you restart your system you can run $ the WinShade installation program again. Restart Windowsb General file transfer error. Please check your target location and try again. Error Number:$ Exiting WinShade Installation.* Creating Registry Entries.... Creating Folder and Icons....< PROGRAM\WinShade.exe PROGRAM: WinShadeb Startup( uninst.exe -f"$ Uninstall a WinShade: Finishing up... Installation complete. Setup is complete. You may now use a WinShade by selecting the program icon in the Start Menu. WinShade.exe by running WinShadea Setup SetupA This program requires Windows95, Windows98, or WindowsNT 4.0. Exiting WinShade Installation.* There is not enough space available on the selected drive Please free up some space or change the target location to a different drive SOFTWARE\a BlueCarpet$ WinShade \Registration SOFTWARE\a BlueCarpet$ WinShade AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\a WinShade StartUpa WinShade! Shortcut to a WinShade.exe> StartUpb SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\a WinShade.exe SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\App Paths\a WinShade.exe Path2 Path2 PROGRAM! Program Files% BlueCarpet\WinShade\ SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersionR ProductId2 ProductId2 SOFTWARE\a BlueCarpet$ WinShade$ \Registration InstallA License NumberA LicenseeA -l "! -n "! _EWQ: 2.20.902